In the Kingdom of Eric Parker, you are never to utter the phrase "I'm starving," unless you are actually starving. Do you know what it means to starve? defines it as 1) to die or perish from lack of nourishment, 2) to be in the process of perishing or suffering severely from hunger, and 3) to suffer from extreme poverty and need. So if you don't look like the photos below and you have food in your refrigerator and cupboards and money in your wallet, don't say you're starving; it's insensitive, minimizes the suffering of others, and makes you look like an asshole. Say you're hungry: having a desire, craving or need for food. We all get hungry; we all have a desire and need for food.
In fact, chances are, if you're an American, you are closer to this, which is stuffed:

In the Kingdom of Eric Parker, if you say you're starving, you will get booted. We will strive to be neither starving nor stuffed. Fat to fit, everyone. Let's go!